Last night took me quite awhile to fall asleep, it's insanely hot in my house!
There's a total of 4 fans going in my room.
I think I finally fell asleep around 1am annnnd my oldest wakes me up screaming at 4am. He said he was seeing all kinds of stuff around his room (thinking it was just shadows)
Poor guy was sweating and hot as can be..I thought it was just because our house is hot and when he sleeps his body gets pretty warm. Turned out to be a fever though and hasn't went away the whole day. =(
Luckily it's a low grade temp. Anyway, so him waking up screaming woke the other one up aw well and here it is 4:30am and I have two little boys in my bed asleep with their legs and arms all over me.
I couldn't get back to sleep that way so I slept on the couch.
I still love drinking my protein shakes for breakfast and honestly I love drinking half of one for lunch along with a protein bar. It makes it easier on me because I already know what I'm going to eat and I don't have to sit there wondering what to make. I usually just ended up snacking instead of making something anyway.
I don't mind eating carrots everyday but they have to be raw and I love salad so I have no problem eating this for dinner every night either =)
Yesterday I made a coconut cream pie for my family. It smelled VERY good.
I did NOT eat a piece (I did try a very very small bite though) I at least wanted to taste it since it was the first time I've made one! Just that bite though made my tummy feel gross.
I know it's not very long but I have not eaten chips, candy, cookies, drank soda/sweet tea in two weeks now.
Now on to my results for tonight!!!
Start weight (3.27.13) 321.4 lbs
(4.3.13) 312.4 lbs [-9]
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